Voting online started Jan 1, 2020 and ends before our 2020 Annual Meeting.
President – Paul Seto
Vice-president – James G. Laws
Treasurer – John Walker
Secretary – Robert Hopkins
Candidacy Statements
Paul Seto – President
For almost a decade, I’ve been honored to serve as National Capital Chapter’s President. During this time, it’s probably safe to say that I’ve been the most active NCC member: creating and attending events, promoting our club to current and potential sponsors, enlisting and retaining membership, marketing events to ensure participation and financial strength, and handling day-to-day business operations to continue as the premier CCA chapter in the US.
Obviously, this takes an incredible amount of time and dedication from all NCC volunteers and I wouldn’t ask for anything more from others than I can do myself. Nothing satisfies me more than watching others have fun and smiling throughout an event. This is what drives me; enhancing the CCA experience so that all can clearly see the value and fun that membership brings.
I can’t do this alone, however, but as President, I can lead this chapter to push the same platform, to share the same enthusiasm, and to elevate our member’s satisfaction each year. If you have believed in me in the past, then I am asking for your support to continue as President and Chief Volunteer of the National Capital Chapter.
Paul Seto
James G. Laws – Vice-president
For the past 4 years I have had the honor of serving as the Vice President of the National Capital Chapter of the BMW Car Club of America. I have, during this time worked to improve the membership experience and introduce new chapter activities, initiatives, and attract new members.
I have worked with independent repair facilities, area BMW dealerships, and suppliers to develop new relationships and increase the visibility and influence of our chapter as well as that of the national organization in the Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia automotive community.
I am requesting your continued support for another year in the office of Vice President. I want to continue to help guide our chapter as it moves in new directions and faces new challenges. I also want to continue seeking opportunities for new programs and initiatives for the benefit of you, the chapter membership.
Thank you,
John Walker – Treasurer
I have been a proud member of the National Capital Chapter since 2006 and just completing my first year as the chapter Treasurer. I am now seeking a second term as the chapter Treasurer and would like your support once again. If re-elected to this position, I intend to continue serving the chapter to the best of my ability.
Thank You,
John Walker
Chapter Member ID: 370879
Robert Hopkins – Secretary
I’ve enjoyed being a member of NCC BMWCCA for 5 years now. I have participated regularly in the autocross, social, and tour programs over that time and in 2019 I am now leading the tours program. I hope to continue bringing the enthusiasm I show for tour planning and execution to the Secretary position taking notes at board meetings, sending pre and post meeting as well as other communications to all programs of the club. As my first year as Secretary comes to a close I am asking for your support in the role of Secretary for another year.
Thank You,
Robert Hopkins